Here you will find links to samples that companies will ship directly to you. Simply visit the website, fill out the form, and your samples will arrive within 4-6 weeks usually. Some samples may require surveys, and companies decide which customers will receive samples. Be sure to check the company's website for details before requesting each sample.
The message is simple and couldn't be more clear. America's farms provide an unparalleled abundance of fresh, healthy, and local food, but they are rapidly disappearing. Fill out the form to get your free bumper sticker
A Blonde and Her Bag offers beautiful, hand-crafted jewelry made in California. They offer everything from bohemian necklaces to rings and earrings. They are offering a free ring sizer card with coupon code.
Get your free preprinted smile cards. Use them when someone expresses an act of kindness. Pay it forward and help spread positive energy!
Request a free wrist sizer from Luvente by clicking "request wrist sizer" on the following page. Never guess your bracelet size again!
Order your free Stand Up to Stress coloring and activity book for kids today to start teaching them how to manage stress. Enter your desired quantity and add to cart to checkout with free shipping.
It's the age of re-selling! With services like eBay, Mercari, Poshmark and more you might need some shipping supplies. Get some for free from USPS - delivered straight to you!
As a part of Zolli Candy's Million Smiles Initiative, teachers and administrators can order free Zollipops to give to students in their class to promote dental health. Zollipops are sugar-free candies that won't rot your teeth. Organization information required.
Request a free Chaco sticker to show your love for adventurous footwear. Fill out the form on the following page, and then you can share pictures of your sticker with the hashtag #ChacoNation.
Operation Blessings is giving away a free gratitude tree craft you and your kids can make this Thanksgiving season. Request yours in time for the holidays.
Please provide all the information on their request form to receive a MeTVFM car magnet. Thanks for being a fan of MeTVFM!